Tag: shipment

  • A new shipment of Russian oil to Pakistan

    A new shipment of Russian oil to Pakistan

    Today, Tuesday, June 27 (2023), the port of Karachi received the second shipment of Russian oil to Pakistan, within the framework of the recently signed agreement between Moscow and Islamabad. The arrival of the tanker, with a cargo of 55,000 tons (400,000 barrels) of Urals crude, came about a week late, due to insufficient space…

  • First shipment of Russian oil to Pakistan paid in Chinese currency (Update)

    First shipment of Russian oil to Pakistan paid in Chinese currency (Update)

    The first shipment of Russian oil to Pakistan was a glimmer of hope for the Islamabad government, which seeks to reduce the energy bill in light of the country’s suffering from a stifling economic crisis, as a result of which foreign exchange reserves fell to less than $10 billion, and its national currency underwent a…

  • The first shipment of Russian oil to Pakistan reaches the port of Karachi

    The first shipment of Russian oil to Pakistan reaches the port of Karachi

    Russian oil flows to Pakistan represent a glimmer of hope for the country, which is thirsty for energy supplies to meet its domestic needs in light of an energy crisis afflicting it, in addition to the possibility of paying for it in currencies other than the US dollar. Islamabad is suffering from a severe crisis…

  • Saudi Aramco exports its first low-emissions ammonia shipment to Japan

    Saudi Aramco exports its first low-emissions ammonia shipment to Japan

    Saudi Aramco succeeded in exporting the first certified low-emission ammonia shipment for electricity generation to Japan, in cooperation with FOC, SABIC Agro-Nutrients, MOL and GOE. The first shipment of low-emission ammonia from Saudi Arabia supports Japan’s ambition to decarbonize sectors whose emissions have been difficult to reduce. Aramco said in a statement today, Thursday, April…