Oil and gas exploration in Egypt is actively boosted by 6 international companies

Oil and gas exploration in Egypt is actively boosted by 6 international companies

The oil and gas exploration sector in Egypt witnessed intense activity today, Thursday, March 9, during the participation of Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Eng. Tarek El-Molla, in the Cerawick International Energy Conference in Houston, USA.

On the sidelines of the conference, Al-Mulla held meetings with leaders of 6 international oil and gas companies to discuss joint cooperation activities, according to a statement published by the Ministry of Petroleum on its official Facebook page.

Engineer Al-Mulla met with the Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO of Chevron International, Mike Wirth, and discussed with him ways to support and increase joint cooperation between the two sides.

The meeting witnessed a review of Chevron’s activities in the fields of research and exploration of oil and gas in Egypt, its research plans to increase production in the company’s concession areas, and ways to support efforts to develop petroleum resources and marketing and increase oil exports.

The meeting also discussed ways to accelerate the development of new discoveries and the transfer of gas from the eastern Mediterranean fields to be re-exported to Europe through Egyptian liquefaction facilities.

Exploration in the Western Desert

Within the aforementioned meetings, Engineer Tariq Al-Mulla discussed with the head of the American Apache Company, John Christman, the plans and projects that the company is implementing for research, exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas in the Western Desert of Egypt.

Engineer Tariq Al-Mulla with the head of the American Apache company, John Christman – photo from the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources’ Facebook page

He also discussed with him ways to enhance cooperation and increase investments in light of the distinguished partnership between the oil sector and the Apache Company, as the largest producer of crude oil in Egypt.

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The Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources also met with officials of the American company EOG Resources, which operates in the oil and gas exploration sector.

Officials of the American company expressed its desire to start investments in Egypt for the first time for research and production of oil and gas, in light of the company’s plans to exploit promising opportunities to increase production.

For his part, the minister welcomed the interest shown by the company to invest in the Egyptian oil and gas sector, calling for an expanded meeting to be held soon to discuss technical aspects and evaluate the opportunities and options available to the company to invest in Egypt.

Negotiations with Falco Energy

Engineer Tariq Al-Mulla also met with the CEO of the American company Falco Energy, George Maxwell, whose company began investing in oil and gas exploration activities in Egypt in a number of concession areas in the Eastern and Western Desert regions, after the merger of the Canadian company TransGlobe with the American company.

The meeting dealt with the position of research and exploration activities in the company’s concession areas, and Falco Energy – which has a diversified investment portfolio in Canada, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon – expressed its interest in increasing its investments in Egypt during the coming period.

The minister welcomed the strengthening of aspects of cooperation with the company during the coming period, in order to increase its investments and advance its work plans in its concession areas.

Supporting oil and gas exploration in Egypt with digital solutions

The Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources also met with the President of Schlumberger International, Olivier Le Bouche, and reviewed with him the company’s current activities in Egypt, the status of implementation of research, exploration and production programs and operations, seismic survey projects and its future plans during the coming period.

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The two sides reviewed ways to enhance cooperation between the company and the oil sector, especially in providing the latest advanced technologies and digital solutions to support the oil industry in Egypt, according to the statement of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, which was seen by the specialized energy platform.

The two sides discussed supporting the sector’s digital transformation efforts, especially in light of the active company’s contributions to launching the Egypt Exploration and Production Portal project within the petroleum sector development and modernization project.

Exploration of oil and gas in Egypt
Engineer Tariq Al-Mulla with the CEO of the French company Total Energy, Patrick Boigny – photo from the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources’ Facebook page

Total Energy

Engineer Tariq Al-Mulla held – as part of his meetings in Houston, USA – a session of talks with the Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO of the French company Total Energy, Patrick Boigner.

The meeting discussed the company’s fields of work and the activities included in the company’s diversified investment portfolio in the oil and gas sector in Egypt, foremost of which is fuel marketing and the production and marketing of high-quality mineral oils, in addition to its participation in research and natural gas exploration activities.

Al-Mulla pointed out that the Egyptian market is a promising market that attracts investments, in addition to that his country is a gateway for oil products to enter the African market, which represents a promising opportunity to increase investments.





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