Fuel prices in Morocco… a year of war, high prices and protests (report)

Fuel prices in Morocco… a year of war, high prices and protests (report)

The war in Ukraine, which began in February (2022), had a significant impact on fuel prices in Morocco, among other Arab countries that were strongly affected by the crisis caused by the confusion and uncertainty about supply in the markets.

The fuel markets in Morocco received a strong shock with the rise in international oil prices, especially since they were already suffering from a huge rise, which angered the citizens. As the Rabat government had taken a decision to raise fuel prices in the country, about two weeks before the start of the war.

The rise in fuel prices in Morocco to record levels, on more than one occasion, led to popular protests, some of which called on the government to reduce, and others chose the boycott weapon to put pressure on gas stations and the government to respond to the subsidy demand, according to information seen by the specialized energy platform.

Leap before the war in Ukraine

On February 8 (2022), fuel prices in Morocco increased to significant levels; As the price of diesel recorded 10.88 dirhams, and the price of gasoline rose to 12.50 dirhams ($1.22), figures that the Moroccan market had not seen before, but – compared to current prices – have become normal.

Fuel prices in Morocco
Gas station in Morocco – photo from the official “Casablanca” website

In March 2022, the first month after the war in Ukraine, prices recorded a slight increase. As the price of gasoline reached 12.97 dirhams (1.26 US dollars), and the price of a liter of diesel rose to 11.21 dirhams (1.1 US dollars), according to what was published by the “Hespress” website.

With the new height, the land transport sector for passengers and goods in Morocco has started a strike; refusal to raise fuel prices; The strike began on March 8 and lasted for 3 days, according to information obtained by the specialized energy platform.

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(Moroccan dirham = $0.097).

Before the end of March 2022, the month did not abandon its crises. As it witnessed a new high on the 31st of the same month, it was shocking. As the price of a liter of diesel exceeded the price of a liter of petrol for the first time in the history of the country, reaching about 14.50 dirhams (1.50 US dollars).

At the same time, fuel prices in Morocco witnessed a historic increase in the following April, with the price of a liter of gasoline reaching its highest level, at about 14.44 dirhams ($1.47), exceeding the size of the increase by more than 3 dirhams in less than two weeks.

Continuous protests against the increase

In May 2022, fuel prices in Morocco continued to rise, until, by the middle of the month, they reached about 14.70 dirhams per liter of diesel in most cities in the Kingdom, while the price of a liter of gasoline recorded 15.55 dirhams ($1.55), according to the “Global Oil Price” website. “.

After the recent increase, protests erupted again by workers in the transportation sector, who accused the government of not implementing the subsidy program correctly, which guarantees that fuel prices will not rise in Morocco. Rather, matters became more complicated with the start of pumping the third phase of subsidies, especially since prices are before subsidies. were less.

Fuel prices in Morocco
Part of the protests against the rise in fuel prices in Morocco – Photo from “BBC”

The month of June 2022 brought a new crisis, with gasoline and diesel prices rising to record levels. As the price of petrol reached 18 dirhams ($1.8), while the price of a liter of diesel rose to 16 dirhams ($1.6), and the situation erupted with new protests, which affected social media platforms.

Dozens of platforms in Morocco called for an electronic campaign to reject the high prices of fuel in Morocco, under the slogan “A day without cars”, through which they demanded stopping the use of cars on June 24, and the use of bicycles and public transportation, to pressure the state to review prices.

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decrease for the first time

It seems that societal pressures to reduce fuel prices in Morocco borne fruit in July 2022, after diesel and gasoline prices fell in various regions of the Kingdom by more than one dirham, as the price of gasoline fell to 14.89 dirhams ($1.45) and the price of a liter of petrol to 14.97 ($1.46). dollars).

For the second time in a row, the month of August 2022 witnessed a decline in fuel prices in Morocco, with global oil prices dropping to less than $100 per barrel, as the price of a liter of diesel was less than 14 dirhams ($1.34), while the average price of a liter of gasoline decreased. to 14.68 dirhams ($1.41).

Oil prices and consecutive increases

Towards the end of the third quarter of the past year 2022, global oil prices began to decline significantly, especially after the measures taken by the OPEC + alliance to reduce the production ceiling in order to preserve the stability and balance of global markets.

However, the decline did not last long. Soon, fuel prices in Morocco went back up SeptemberSeptember, bringing the price of gasoline to 14.85 dirhams ($1.45) per liter, while the price of a liter of diesel was about 15 dirhams ($1.46), according to what was seen by the specialized energy platform.

And with the continuation of the war in Ukraine, prices continued to rise in October 2022, as the price of a liter of diesel began to be sold in the middle of the month at about 16 dirhams ($1.56), while the price of a liter of gasoline reached 15.40 dirhams ($1.5), according to a monitoring by the “Global” website. Oil Price”.

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And last November, fuel prices in Morocco recorded a new high, as the average price of a liter of “diesel” gas was about 16.5 dirhams ($1.61), while the price of a liter of premium unleaded gasoline was 15.70 ($1.53), according to Viewed by the specialized energy platform.

Fuel prices in Morocco since the Ukraine war

Russian oil blockade

Despite the entry into force of the Russian oil embargo carried by sea on December 5 last year; Global oil prices held steady at $83 a barrel, and fuel prices in Morocco fell to a record low. The price of a liter of petrol was about 14.5 dirhams ($1.41), and the price of a liter of diesel was about 16 dirhams ($1.56).

And fuel prices in Morocco continued their downward trend in January 2023, as the price of a liter of diesel fell to 14.60 dirhams, and the price of gasoline fell to 13.72 dirhams ($1.34), according to what was published by the “Hespress” website.

In the current month of February, which is the completion of a full year of war in Ukraine, the prices of “diesel” gas and petrol have risen again. The price of a liter of diesel was 14.82 dirhams ($1.44), and the price of a liter of petrol was 13.99 dirhams ($1.36), according to what was seen by the specialized energy platform.

It is noteworthy that fuel prices in Morocco witness shifts more than once during one month, but these shifts are subject to pricing by the government and selling prices by distribution companies; Which may create differences between selling prices depending on the regions.





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