3 challenges for the new Turkish energy minister.. Will he succeed?  (article)

3 challenges for the new Turkish energy minister.. Will he succeed? (article)

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  • • Minister Bayraktar has the potential to lead Turkey’s energy industry towards a more resilient future
  • • Turkey’s unique location offers prospects for regional cooperation in the field of energy
  • • The new minister can stimulate research and development, innovative partnerships and technology transfer
  • • Türkiye should reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and use more renewable energy
  • • The new minister should advocate for energy efficient solutions in all industries

The appointment of Turkey’s new energy minister, Alp Arslan Bayraktar, presents both opportunities and difficulties for the Turkish energy sector. Reliable, affordable and sustainable energy supplies are essential for Turkey to support its expanding economy and live up to its environmental obligations.

The energy sector is expected to face both opportunities and challenges, with Alp Arslan Bayraktar in office, and it will require strategic planning, strong policies and stakeholder engagement to address issues related to energy transition, efficiency and infrastructure development.

In addition, the prospects offered by Turkey’s renewable energy potential and regional energy cooperation, job creation, and technological advancement can also be beneficial.

The new Turkish Minister of Energy has the ability to lead Turkey’s energy industry towards a more resilient, sustainable and prosperous future, by taking advantage of these opportunities and successfully addressing problems.

Given the changing energy environment and government goals, there are several important areas in which Turkey’s energy industry is likely to face difficulties as well as opportunities for growth and development.

Although the specific problems and opportunities are different, we can anticipate what they will be in each case, and by addressing these issues and harnessing the potential, Turkey can improve its energy security, reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, and help combat global climate change.


Turkey’s unique location offers prospects for regional energy cooperation, and strengthening relations with neighbors through energy trade, joint ventures, and interconnection can improve energy security, increase resource utilization, and enhance regional stability.

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Achieving mutually beneficial energy cooperation agreements can be facilitated with the help of regional stakeholders and Minister Bayraktar’s experience in international energy relations.

The ceremony of taking over the duties of the new Turkish Minister of Energy, Alp Arslan Bayraktar (left of the picture), from his predecessor, Fatih Donmez
The ceremony of taking over the duties of the new Turkish Minister of Energy, Alp Arslan Bayraktar (left of the picture), from his predecessor, Fatih Donmez – Source: Anadolu Agency

Energy sector update: Turkey’s reliable, robust, and efficient energy system relies on modernizing energy infrastructure and implementing cutting-edge technologies. The integration of renewable energy sources can be facilitated by encouraging smart grid technology, modernizing transmission and distribution networks, and strengthening energy management.

Innovation and technological advancement: Turkey has an opportunity to improve energy efficiency, grid dependency, and integration of renewable energy sources thanks to developments in energy technology, including electricity storage, smart grids, and digital solutions.

Turkey’s new energy minister, Alp Arslan Bayraktar, can stimulate research and development, innovative partnerships and technology transfer with the aim of fostering a culture of technical progress and positioning Turkey as a leader in clean energy technologies.

It should be noted that Turkey has a lot of potential to develop renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, wind energy and hydroelectric energy.

Increased investment in clean energy technologies and the capacity of renewable energy sources can open new avenues for sustainable economic growth, job creation, and reduced dependence on fossil fuels.

Turkey could become a regional leader in clean energy due to Minister Bayraktar’s focus on developing renewable energy sources.

Energy Efficiency Measures: Energy savings and sustainability can be greatly increased by implementing energy efficiency measures across all industries.

Energy demand can be reduced, greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced, energy security can be improved by increasing energy efficiency in buildings, industries and transportation, and energy-efficient practices and technologies can reduce costs and increase competitiveness.


Energy shift: Managing Turkey’s transition to a more sustainable, low-carbon energy system will be one of the biggest challenges facing Turkey’s new Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Alp Arslan Bayraktar.

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To do this, Turkey must reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and use more renewable energy. The transformation process requires careful planning, large investments, and the removal of technical, economic, and governmental barriers.

Wind turbines and renewable energy sources in Turkey's western Balıkesir region
Renewable energy in Turkey’s western Balıkesir region. Photo courtesy of Italgen

upgrading the infrastructure: To enable a more diversified and adaptable energy mix, Turkey must invest in modernizing its energy infrastructure.

This entails the modernization of storage and transportation networks, as well as the integration of smart grid technology. Financing, sustainable site management, and licensing and approval procedures are often obstacles facing these infrastructure development initiatives.

Energy efficiency: Reducing energy consumption, enhancing energy security, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions depend on energy efficiency improvements.

It is hoped that the new Turkish Minister of Energy will advocate for energy-saving solutions in all industries, including buildings, businesses, and transportation. It is necessary to encourage behavioral changes, establish energy efficiency standards, and establish effective incentive systems, to overcome obstacles in this sector.

It is important that taking into account Turkey’s plan to become a center for natural gas trade and to expand the role of energy in regional security requires a comprehensive review of Turkey’s foreign policy.

The new Turkish Minister of Energy, Alp Arslan Bayraktar, can advance the goals set by the Turkish Ministry of Energy, and it is important to understand that the Minister cannot address all the difficulties and complexities facing the Turkish energy sector by himself.

For Turkey’s energy industry to succeed, a collaborative strategy involving a range of players, including other government agencies, companies and international partners, is essential.

It takes a strong foreign policy plan that takes into account regional dynamics, geopolitical difficulties, and energy market trends in order to achieve the goal of becoming a natural gas trading hub.

Develop relationships and encourage agreements

In light of this, the Turkish Energy Minister should seek to develop constructive diplomatic relations and energy alliances with neighboring countries and key international energy players, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant agencies.

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This includes encouraging cooperation agreements in the field of energy, negotiating gas supply agreements, and encouraging the development of infrastructure for transporting natural gas.

It is necessary to understand that the difficulties faced by the Turkish energy sector go beyond matters of foreign policy.

The following infographic, prepared by the specialized energy platform, shows the required procedures and gains of the energy transition in Turkey:

energy transition in Türkiye

It requires close collaboration between many government agencies, industry stakeholders, and civil society to address local concerns such as energy market reforms, regulatory frameworks, investment incentives, and infrastructure development.

The new Turkish energy minister should seek to create an environment that supports private sector participation, innovation, and long-term financial commitments to the energy sector.

Turkey can increase its energy independence, reduce its carbon footprint, and ensure a sustainable energy future by addressing issues of energy security, diversification of sources, environmental sustainability, and policy coherence.

Turkey can also take the lead in developing clean and reliable energy systems by taking advantage of the opportunities presented by the growth of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency initiatives, regional energy cooperation, and modernization of the sector.

With his experience and knowledge, the new Turkish energy minister, Bayraktar, is well positioned to face these difficulties and seize the opportunities.

* Dr. Omod Shoukry, senior advisor on foreign policy and energy geopolitics, is the author of “US Energy Diplomacy in the Caspian Basin: Changing Trends Since 2001.”

*This article represents the opinion of the author, and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the energy platform.





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